Kejadian Menarche Berdasarkan Status Gizi pada Remaja Putri di MI Nururrisallah Desa Sumberbendo Kecamatan Pare Kabupaten Kediri
The Events of Menarche, Nutritional StatusAbstract
Menarche is marked by the arrival of the first menstruation, which is a characteristic maturity of a healthy, non-pregnant woman. Adolescent nutritional status women greatly affect the occurrence of menarche. The purpose of this study was to know the events of menarche based on nutritional status to youth women in the MI Nururrisallah Sumberbendo Village Pare Subdistrict Kediri District. The design used in this study is descriptive analytic with a cross sectional study approach. Sampling in this study using total sampling method with a total sample of 70 people. The research instrument used was a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using computer program. Bivariate analysis with Chi Square test obtained pvalue=0.288; So it can be concluded that there isn’t correlation between the events of menarche and nutritional status to youth women in the MI Nururrisallah Sumberbendo Village Pare Subdistrict Kediri District. There are suggestions for youth women to pay more attention to their PHBS habit and to be able to IMT and condition normal health.